The study groups at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science are open to all active but also former SFU-students, regardless of the current semester or elective (Wahlpflichtfach). Participating can partly be credited for the Window of Opportunity or internship. In addition to participating, students have to provide the assignments required by the faculty. For detailed information, please get in touch with the head of the respective study group.

  • Detailed information on all study groups is available in German.

1. SFU Gender Study Group

The Gender Study Group is an interdisciplinary seminar on topics of gender construction that are present in the interaction between the sexes. Aspects of gender differentiation and the social construction of being a woman and a man are developed, critically questioned and discussed on the basis of specialist reading, films and lectures.

2. Qualitative Research Working Group

The research team “Qualitative Psychotherapy Research” invites interested students to the Working Group for Qualitative Research. Prerequisite for participation are own qualitative research projects and theses, which can be brought in as material.

If you are currently working on a qualitative project (BAKK, MAG work or other research activity), or would like to deepen your existing knowledge, please register at Places are limited and meetings will be held online via Zoom. 

3. Depth Hermeneutics Group: Psychoanalytic Cultural and Social Research

Participation in the Depth Hermeneutics Group is open to all SFU students, regardless of the study programme or semester. It is also open to others who may be interested. Participation in the interpretation sessions can earn points for both research and Window of Opportunity. At the meetings, material to be read in advance is interpreted together. Through the impressions, feelings and associations that the material has triggered in each of us and the contradictory ways of reading the result from this, we open up the unconscious meaning of the material together.

4. Psychoanalytical Research Colloquium

The Psychoanalytical Research Colloquium takes place once a semester across all SFU faculties. It is intended to be a place for question-orientated exchange on psychoanalytically oriented qualification papers and research projects.

Anyone interested in psychoanalytical research can participate – both with their own questions/projects and as co-discussants. Participation in the research colloquium can earn both research and window of opportunity points.