At Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, psychodrama (PD) is offered as one of the methods in the psychotherapy training.

Anerkennung Psychodrama – Bundesministerium Gesundheit (PDF, in German)

What is Psychodrama?

Brief description of the psychodrama method

“To fathom the truth of the soul through action.” This was the ambition of Jacob Levy Moreno, who developed psychodrama in Vienna from impromptu theatre before moving to the USA in 1925, where he expanded the method along with the newly emerging group psychotherapy. Psychodrama is an understanding and interactive method that is currently used in individual, couple and group settings. The concept of encounter and trust in the healing effect of play and an action-oriented confrontation with relationship constellations are central. Spontaneity and creativity are specifically addressed and encouraged.

Psychodramatic play and sociometric processing of social relationships enable self-determined confrontation with personal challenges, conflicts and solution strategies. With the help of psychodramatic methods (e.g. impromptu, group and protagonist play) and sociometric procedures (e.g. constellating and processing relationships), resources can be activated, one’s own behaviour in social relationships can be explored and the existing role repertoire can be expanded.

Folder & Curriculum

Lecturers in the Psychodrama Method

  • Dr. Jutta Fürst, mail
  • Mag. Karl Ernst Heidegger MSc
  • ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Krall, mail
  • em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Ottomeyer, mail
  • Mag. Susanne Schulze, mail


Contact Coordination:

Bettina Pfitzner
Tel: +43 1 798 40 98 406

Contact Admission Procedure:

ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Krall, 
Susanne Schulze, or at +43 699 11 32 60 56

Contact for Registrations:

Tina Stewart
Tel: +43 1 798 40 98 451

Watch our brief description of the psychodrama method (video in German):