As a training institution approved by the Austrian health authorities, Sigmund Freud University Vienna offers a psychotherapeutic propaedeutic course (general training in psychotherapy; Propädeutikum) in accordance with § 4 Para. 1 of the Austrian Psychotherapy Act (PthG).
Admission Requirements
The admission requirements are defined by the provisions of § 10 (1) of the Austrian Psychotherapy Act (PthG) as follows:
- a secondary school leaving certificate (Matura) or
- a university admission equivalency test (Studienberechtigungsprüfung) or
- a nostrified degree equivalent to the Matura, or
- a nursing service diploma or
- a diploma of the medical-technical service or
- a special permit by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth (BMGFJ)
+ two admission interviews (online or in person)
Content required by Law & Curriculum
The psychotherapeutic propaedeutic course consists of a theoretical part (765 hours) and a practical part (550 hours).
A. Basics and bordering areas of psychotherapy
1. Introduction to the history of problems and the development of psychotherapy schools
> 1. Depth psychology concepts (30 hours)
> 2. Humanistic concepts (30 hours)
> 3. Systemic concepts (30 hours)
> 4. Learning theory concepts (30 hours)
2. Personality theories (30 hours)
3.1 General psychology (30 hours)
3.2. Developmental psychology (30 hrs)
4. Rehabilitation and special & remedial education (30 hours)
5. Psychological diagnostics and assessment (60 hours)
6. Psychosocial forms of intervention (60 hours)
B. Basics of Somatology and Medicine
1. Introduction to medical terminology (30 hrs.)
2. Psychiatry, psychopathology, psychosomatics (120 hours)
> 1. Child and adolescent psychiatry (30 hours)
> 2. Psychiatry, psychopathology (60 hours)
> 3. Psychosomatics (15 hours)
> 4. Gerontological psychiatry (15 hours)
3. Pharmacology (45 hours)
4. First aid in psychotherapeutic practice (15 hours)
C. Research and scientific methodology
1. Statistics (15 hrs)
2. Qualitative research (15 hrs.)
3. Philosophy of science (15 hrs.)
4. Psychotherapy research (30 hrs.)
D. Ethics
Ethics (30 hrs.)
E. Framework conditions for the practice of psychotherapy
1. Social framework (45 hrs)
2. Legal framework (45 hours)
F. Practice:
1. Individual or group self-experience (50 hrs.)
2. Practical training (480 hours)
3. Practical supervision (20 hrs.)
To earn the final certificate, proof of the successful completion of all subjects of the psychotherapeutic propaedeutic course (theory and practice), a written final thesis and a final interview are required.
Integrated Internship
SFU’s Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic is a placement centre recognised by the Austrian Ministry of Health for both the psychotherapeutic propaedeutic course and the specialised course. The required practical placements / internships can therefore be completed at the Clinic.
Training Start
Students can start their propaedeutic training at SFU in the winter semester.
Fee for the propaedeutic course: € 24.255,00
This includes:
a) Participation in all seminars
b) Seminar documents
c) Costs of self-experience
d) Costs of supervision
Contact Finance & Controlling
Phone: +43 1 798 40 98 304
Office and telephone hours: Mo-Thur: 10 am – 3 pm / Fr: 10 am – 3 pm, by telephone only
Address: Freudplatz 1, 3rd floor, room 3002
All courses of the psychotherapeutic propaedeutic course at SFU can be credited for the Bachelor’s degree programme in psychotherapy science.
Application for Admission
Detailed information on the admission of potential applicants is available on the website of the Austrian Federal Ministry (Website in German).
Univ.-Ass. Mag. Herbert Geyer
Head of the Propaedeutic Course at SFU
Head of the Bachelor’s Programme in Psychotherapy Science
→ SFU Vienna organises and carries the course.
Tina Stewart
Studies Service Centre
Tel: +43 1 798 40 98 451