The contact details of the listed lecturers are available in the people search.
The contact details of the listed lecturers are available in the people search.
Born 1958 in Sta. Cruz de Tenerife/Spain, doctorate in 1982 in Vienna Dr. Phii/Psycholgy. Psychotherapist in Systemic Family Therapy and Dynamic Group Therapy since 1991 /List of the Federal Ministry.
Lecturer for Systemic Family Therapy elective subject at SFU and at ÖAS (Austrian Association for Systemic Therapy and Systemic Studies) Delegate for Austria in NFTO (National Board} in EFTA (European Family Therapy Association). Habilitated at SFU I 21.02.2017, Systemic Research.
Teaching focus: Systemic psychotherapy, role plays, qualitative research, transcripts, video material.
Lecturer and Rector of the SFU PARIS. Chairman of the European Confederation of Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy. Co-author of „relational and educational Steps“ (Ed. Masson), board member of the EAP (European Association of Psychotherapy) and of the FF2P (French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis), delegated by the World Council For Psychotherapy of the United Nations.
Head physician of the Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the Helios Emil von Behring Clinic in Berlin.
He established this clinic 25 years ago and expanded it in 1996 to include a psychosomatic day clinic, the first in Germany. Studied medicine in Vienna and psychology in Berlin, depth psychology and existential analysis training as an individual and group therapist at the ITTG Berlin, President 1992-96. Specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy and in internal medicine, teaching analyst, supervisor and Balint leader ÄK Berlin, lecturer APM, LA Allgemeinmedizin Charite. ÖÄK diploma in psychosomatic medicine, psychotherapist in individual psychology, Daseinsanalyse. Member of the ESAEM
Teaching focus: pain psychosomatics, especially chronic back pain with psychological co-morbidity, burn out, somatisation disorders.
Dr. Tit Albreht, M.D. (1961), Slovenian, Ph.D. in Health Services Research at the University of Amsterdam, Head of the Centre for Health Care at the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia, senior researcher in the field of health services research and health systems research, member of the Scientific Committee of EUPHA, president of the Slovenian Preventive Medicine Society, member of the Health Council of the Ministry of Health of Slovenia. He is an Associate Professor of Public Health at the Medical Faculty of Ljubljana, Slovenia and teaching public health and epidemiology at the Medical Faculty of Maribor, at the University of Primorska and at the SFU.
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Gabor Aranyi, Ph.D. is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud Private University.
Mag.a lnci Ardic is a licensed psychotherapist and psychologist. After graduating in psychology, she completed her master’s degree in psychotherapy at Sigmund Freund University in Vienna. In addition, she took part in psychotherapy training at the IGW (Gestalt Institute Vienna). In addition to her private psychotherapy practice, she is part of the Institute Frauengesundheitszentrum FernSüd and leads numerous health projects with groups and individuals with a focus on people with a migration background. Since 2016 she has been part of the teaching staff at SFU, where she continues her academic work
Teaching focus: Gestalt Therapy Theory & Practice, General Psychology, Differential Psychology
Felicitas Auersperg, Msc. is a graduate of Sigmund Freud University. After graduating in psychology, she worked as a university assistant in the Department of Innovation Management at Seeburg University and taught at MedUni Vienna. She is a member of the psychology faculty at SFU and is involved in teaching and research.
Teaching focus: general psychology, experimental psychology, paradigm history of psychology
Born 2.12.1957 in Linz, medical studies at the University of Vienna 1976-1982, training in Integrative Gestalt Therapy 1982-1991 (Öagg), scholarship at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Homeopathy 1983, Prof Mathias Dorcsi (†).
Specialist in internal medicine 1992, trainer for echocardiography Medical Association Vienna 1996, psychotherapist for Integrative Gestalt Therapy 1992, further training and collaboration with Dr Hildegund Heinl(†) in the field of psychosomatics 1994-1998, teaching therapist at IGWien 2003.
Teaching focus: Course director SFU Gestalt Therapy
Born 1965 in Vienna. Studied psychotherapy science at SFU Vienna. Training at the Psychoanalytic Seminar Innsbruck (PSI). Has been working as a psychotherapist in private practice for 15 years. Teaching analyst, supervisor and teaching activity within the framework of academic and psychoanalytic training (SFU/ PSI). Publications on the development of Sigmund Freud’s thought and concepts in the history of ideas, on the German philosopher Else Voigtländer and in the fields of gerontology and cultural studies.
Is an integrative Gestalt therapist in Vienna, teaching therapist, teaching supervisor and trainer at the Institute for Integrative Gestalt Therapy Vienna (IGWien). Teaching at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Faculty of Psychotherapy Sciences. Studies in religious education. In private practice since 2005. Further training in client-centered psychotherapy, dance therapy, trauma therapy (Brainspotting according to D.Grande), Trans*Gender/Trans*Identities. Many years of collaboration and management of the complaints office for psychotherapy of the WLP/ÖBVP, as well as psychotherapist at the outpatient clinic of the SFU Vienna. Many years of workshop and seminar activity.
B.A. in Psychology, M.S. in Psychology of Personality, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (Department for Psychology, Uni. Lj), Psy.D. – Specialization in Clinical Psychology (Medical Faculty, Uni. Lj). Works as clinical psychologist (Psychiatric Hospital Begunje) – individual and group psychotherapy of psychotic, neurotic and borderline patients, psychodiagnostics, team work (consultant), supervision, mentorship for students of clinical psychology. Is an assistant professor at SFU Lj and Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology Maribor. Works as forensic psychology expert for Slovenian Ministry of Justice. Has a private psychotherapeutic practice (psychoanalytic and cognitive psychotherapy).
Active in the field of social-pedagogical family support/family therapy/supervision in the psychosocial field and as a lecturer at the Institute for Applied Research and Further Education at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg (curative and social-pedagogical art therapy), as well as a lecturer at the Educational Centre of the Karlsruhe Chief Finance Office (basics and communication). In addition, active in further training in municipal day-care centres in Freiburg on the topics: Parental talks, learning biography and team development.
Teaching focus: Studies in sociology, psychology and philosophy with Mag. Art. and Dr. phil. degrees, as well as systemic therapy/couple and family therapy, supervision and institutional counselling.
Studied philosophy in Vienna and Berlin. Psychotherapy training at ÖGATAP (KIP) Doctoral studies in psychotherapy sciences at SFU. Psychotherapist, teaching therapist with partial teaching authorisation from ÖGATAP,
registered ÖBVP supervisor & coach and member of the European Association for Psychotherapy. Has been working as a psychotherapist in an inpatient setting since 1995. Started own practice in 1998. From 2004 exclusively own practice in Vienna 9. Various teaching assignments at SFU Vienna, Medical University, Universities of Applied Sciences and Academies. 2013 foundation of the “Teambienenstein” for supervision, teambuilding, lectures and training.
Teaching focus: psychodynamics, malpractice, addiction & dependencies.
1965-71 studies at Faculty of Theology (Uni. Lj). 1973-76 post graduated studies of Pastoral Psychology (Uni. Innsbruck, Mag. scie). 1978-82 studies at Faculty of Psychology, Uni. Innsbruck, Qualifying Course of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, in »Innsbrucker Kreis für Psychoanalyse«. 1989-92 specialization in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of medicine (Uni. Lj). 1986-1997 continuation of Psychoanalytical education and diploma in »Grazer Arbeitskreis für Psychoanalyse« in 2004. Since 2002 is a learning therapist, supervisor and Psychotherapy teacher in Slovenian umbrella organization for Psychotherapy, from 2013 at SFU Ljubljana.
The main point: Theorie of psychoanalysis.
Born in 1970 on the Lower Rhine, now living in Münster. Studied Catholic theology in Münster and Vienna, graduating in 1995. I then began working as a lecturer in adult education, where I am still active today.
I then studied art therapy part-time at the University of Applied Sciences of Arnhem (NL) and Nijmegen (NL)while working as a research assistant in the administration (examination office) at the Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
After my stay in New Zealand (2011/12), I worked in a traffic psychology practice and then in socio-pedagogical measures in refugee aid in a school context after equating my Dutch studies with the degree of a social worker/pedagogue.
Teaching focus: imparting methodological competences for art therapy group work in acute psychiatry
Master of Philosophy (University of Vienna)
Psychotherapist (Individual Psychological Analyst)
Lecturer at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna.
2003-2015 Managing Director of the Board of Trustees for Psychosocial Services in Vienna.
from 2006 additionally managing director of the Addiction and Drug Coordination Vienna
2003-dato Managing Director of REiNTEGRA Berufliche Reintegration psychisch kranker Menschen gemeinnützige GmbH (Vocational Reintegration of Mentally Ill People)
Focus of teaching: personality development, internship reflection
is a trained sociologist and social psychologist. He is currently a lecturer at the SFU in Vienna and Linz and co-coordinator of the psychology master’s degree focus “Social Psychology and Psychosocial Practice” at the SFU Vienna. He is also a board member of the “Society for Psychoanalytic Social Psychology”, a member of the coordination team of the “Political Psychology Working Group” and the “Depth Hermeneutics Research Workshop” and co-editor of the journals “Freie Assoziation” and “Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik”. Numerous publications in the fields of psychoanalytic social psychology, psychoanalysis and critical theory.
Teaching focus: social psychology, psychoanalysis, individual and society.
Art therapist at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Barmherzige Brüder Eisenstadt Hospital. Before that I worked with disabled and mentally ill people in institutions in Vienna and Lower Austria. As a freelance artist specialising in wood and metal, I also work as an art therapist in private practice. Originally I was a research and development technician in micro and molecular biology.
Teaching focus: Art therapy practice in acute and sub-acute psychiatric settings.
In 2003 he graduated on the Faculty of Arts of the University in Ljubljana (Department of Psychology) and obtained a degree in psychology. In 2012, the same institution awarded him a PhD title for a dissertation on the relationship between anxiety and mindfulness. In 2013 he obtained the title certified integrative psychotherapist by the International Integrative Psychotherapy Association. In 2016 he was appointed assistant professor of psychotherapy science on the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science of Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana where he is involved as teacher and researcher. In addition, he conducts psychotherapy and psychological counseling in his private practice.
Teaching focus: Research Methodology, Positive Psychology
Studied sculpture with Prof. Ölzant at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, graduating with distinction, as well as self-taught study of artistic techniques.
Teaching activities at the Vienna School of Art (sculpture department), various workshops at summer academies, as well as a teaching position at St. Joseph High School in Goa, India.
DeMelo has been a freelance artist since 1992.
Focus of teaching: application of the methods “Theories of Aesthetics” in practice: working with clay, wood, stone, metal and painting.
is a freelance organisational consultant, group dynamicist, clinical and health psychologist and psychoanalyst in Austria and Germany, co-founder and partner of IPOM (Institute for Psychodynamic Organisational Consulting). Studied psychology, sociology and education in Regensburg, Boulder (USA) and Innsbruck. Professional activity both in and for clinics as an employee, court expert and supervisor as well as an employee and lecturer at universities. In the field of organisational consulting in the profit and non-profit sector with a focus on leadership and team performance as a trainer, coach and supervisor. Current research focus on family businesses and their dynamics.
Teaching focus: Clinical areas of the specialisation study psychoanalysis, organisational counselling
Clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst and group analyst
Teaching analyst (PSI, SFU), supervisor
University lecturer
completed psychology and psychotherapy training in transactional analysis in Belgrade, Serbia, as well as numerous advanced trainings in peace studies both in her home country and abroad (incl. USA and Canada). She has been living in Vienna since 2008, where she earned a doctorate in psychotherapy science and also completed psychotherapy training in systemic family therapy, both at SFU. She is a member of the Institute for Qualitative Psychotherapy Research at SFU and works as a lecturer in SFU’s international psychotherapy programme (in English), as well as a systemic psychotherapist in independent practice.
Teaching focus: Systemic family therapy, qualitative psychotherapy research, international aspects of psychotherapy training, developmental psychology.
Mag.rer.nat. Cornelia Draxler works as a psychotherapist in her own practice in the city of Salzburg. After studying psychology at the Karl Franzens University in Graz, she trained as a clinical and health psychologist with a focus on neuropsychology. She then trained as a psychotherapist in the field of behavioural therapy at the Association for Behavioural Modification (AVM) in Salzburg.
Teaching focus: Fundamentals of Psychology: Psychological Diagnostics
Studied art history and education at the LMU and anthroposophical art therapy at the Free Academy in Munich. Various further training courses in Balint work, plastic-therapeutic design, light-eclipse work according to Collot d’Herbois.
Professional activity: Art therapist at stART international and development of an art-therapeutic approach for emergency aid work in crisis areas. Various teaching assignments for intercultural art therapy and lecturing activities, as well as art courses and social art projects.
Teaching focus: emergency art therapy, intercultural art therapy
Teaching analyst and supervisor in the Individual Psychology specialisation course at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science at SFU Vienna. General practitioner, psy- diploma for psychosocial, psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic medicine from the Austrian Medical Association. Psychotherapist for individual psychology and catathym imaginative psychotherapy. Has had her own practice since 2000. Publications on panic attacks and Alzheimer’s disease.
Teaching focus: panic attacks, psychosomatics, Alzheimer’s disease.
Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst, Transactional Analysis, Psychosocionomist.
Publications : « Analyse Transactionnelle et Psychologie Clinique » ED. Psychosocionomie, Co-author with Alex Rovira « El Beneficio » ED. Aguilar, Co-writer with Josep Lopez « Los Jardines Secretos » ED. Aguilar,
Currently writting: “La Psychosocionomie”.
is a clinical psychologist, supervisor and psychotherapist. She has additional qualifications in hypnotherapy, clinical neuropsychology, sex therapy, emotion-focused therapy, schema therapy, DBT, Kathahymic imagery. From 1990 – 2004 she worked in the field of post-acute neurological rehabilitation. Since 1992 she has been working as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in the outpatient field. In 2004 she founded the Institute for Outpatient Neuropsychological Rehab in Villach. Teaching at the Danube University Krems, the University of Applied Sciences Vienna, the SFU-Vienna and active as a teaching therapist of the AVM. Member of the AVM board, member of the ÖGNP and spokesperson for the AVNG.
Teaching focus: Behavioural therapy, basics of pathology I+II, VT for substance dependence.
is currently a systemic family therapist in independent practice and has been the director of the Kinderhilfswerk Linz since 2015. She studied English, philosophy, psychology and history at the University of Vienna. She taught children with behavioural problems in remedial classes in Vienna. She also taught American students at the Institute of European Studies and has since held seminars and workshops focusing on cross-cultural psychology and psychotherapy, animal-assisted therapies, systems theories, couple therapies and therapeutic work with children and adolescents.
Teaching focus: systems theories, cultural history, cultural studies, animal-assisted therapies, cross-cultural psychology and psychotherapy, developmental psychology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jutta Fiegl is co-founder and Vice-Rector of Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Dean of the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science, psychotherapist (systemic family therapy), teaching therapist, clinical psychologist, health psychologist. She has been active in teaching since 1988 and has published numerous articles on the topics of psychosomatics, sexuality, psychooncology, sterility, systemic family therapy and training research.
Teaching focus: Psychosomatics, Systemic Family Therapy
Born 1951 in Ulm, studied psychology, philosophy and political science in Ulm and Salzburg. Head of the Psychoanalysis Department at the SFU Vienna. Supervision and mediation work in the business sector (profit and non-profit companies in Austria and Germany) & seminars on personality development, art of living and psychoanalytical dream interpretation. Has been working in independent practice for 30 years, owner of a vinotheque – in order to put the art of living and the philosophy of enjoyment into practice.
Teaching focus: applied psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, group seminars, dream research.
Born in Vienna, studied law, theatre studies and German studies;
Court practice and academic training in Vienna. Deputy head of department at WGKK, responsible for outpatient contractual partners. Focus on psychotherapy, psychology, psychiatry; children and adolescents.
Deputy head of the working group on health goal 9 – mental health Representative of the KV in the working group for the implementation of the child and youth health strategy.
Teaching focus: Social insurance – general, health insurance Austria; health economics.
Is currently a systemic family therapist and doctor in a social psychiatric rehabilitation with diplomas in psychosocial medicine and psychosomatics (PSY I, PSY II), has been giving lectures and internship supervision in the English Language Programme at SFU since 2008.
Teaching focus: systemic family therapy, internship supervision in the propaedeutic course for students Trude Frank-Emge: she is a clinical psychologist and health psychologist trained at the University Hospital Vienna, as well as a psychotherapist in private practice. After her philosophical studies in education and psychology at the University of Vienna, she headed a special education school. She completed her specialist training as an individual psychologist according to Alfred Adler primarily at the Alfred Adler Institute Vienna and at the Vienna University Clinic for Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry. Since 2014, she has been working at Sigmund Freud University as a supervisor in practice reflection with students at SFU Vienna.
Teaching focus: Supervisor at SFU
Education: Study of art education, art therapy HdK Berlin artist training, non-medical practitioner psychotherapy.
Focus of art therapy work: in work with mentally ill and traumatised patients (torture victims and in psychosomatic medicine), as well as work in various psychiatric and psychosomatic medicine institutions, in the treatment centre for torture victims and in my own practice also with mentally ill and patients with personality disorders.
Professional activity: Teaching positions at the HdK Berlin, now UdK, at the Institute for Art Therapy Berlin-Brandenburg, also supervision there, Wannsee School Academy for Further and Continuing Education of the Wannsee School for Health Professions e. V. (2014). Most recently mainly active in the arts.
Teaching focus: supervision and practice support, clinical self-awareness with mask making and masks, intuition and intervention in KT.
Clinical psychologist (BDP/DGPs), psychoanalyst (DGAP), group analyst and art psychologist. Further training in Katathym-Imaginative Psychotherapy (KIP), Clinical Hypnosis and Positive Psychotherapy. 1992 PhD on ` Sigmund Freud and Michelangelo’s Moses` at the University of Bremen.2016 Habilitation for art therapy and applied art psychology in the field of psychotherapy science at SFU Vienna. 1986-1999 Worked as a psychologist in social psychiatry and as a research assistant. Since 1999 psychotherapist in private practice in Celle. Head of department and head of course in art therapy at the SFU Berlin.
Publications and research focus: Creative methods in psychotherapy
Peter Frenzel is a business psychologist, management consultant, clinical and health psychologist, private practice since 1987; head of a psychosocial counselling centre (until 1993); university lecturer at Austrian universities / colleges (topics: Learning organisation, self-control, supervision, counselling, psychotherapy); foundation of a consulting company (OE, PE), co-founder of training institutes (psychotherapy [APG-IPS], systemic supervision/coaching; publication activities: Co-editor of two textbooks on person-centred psychotherapy, publication of specialist articles (person-centred psychotherapy/consulting, management consulting and ethics).
Teaching focus: Person-centred psychotherapy
Psychologue clinicienne, Psychothérapie psychanalytique, Enseignante et superviseur à la SFU-Paris, Formatrice à l’Afometra (Association pour la Formation dans les services Médicaux du Travail), Membre de la FF2P, Consultations sur Paris.
Focus of teaching: Psychology and Psychotherapy
is a visual artist, art therapist and professor of art and art therapy. He studied at the Staatl. Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe (free painting/graphics), at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München (art therapy) and at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (art education). Jürgen Fritsche teaches at the HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen (D) / HKT- Hochschulstudiengänge Künstlerische Therapien and also at the Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien SFU and the AdBK München. His art therapy focuses include art therapy with young refugees and with people affected by HIV.
Michael Furtlehner studied law, is a qualified social pedagogue, violence pedagogue, experiential pedagogue as well as a certified trauma pedagogue and trauma counsellor (according to DeGPT) and is the full-time head of an organisation providing full inpatient care on behalf of the Upper Austrian Youth Welfare Service. After studying law and completing his court internship, Mag. Furtlehner worked in a law firm in Linz and then as a research assistant at the Institute for Energy Law at Johannes Kepler University. He is a lecturer at the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences, has 15 years of professional experience in the field of child and youth welfare and was, among other things, a member of the working group on child and youth psychiatry/child and youth welfare.
Teaching focus: Trauma and trauma consequences, violence, networked action at the intersection of KJP-KJH-PT, social pedagogy and psychiatry.
Dr Fäh is a clinical psychologist, sociologist, psychoanalyst and psychotherapist with his own practice in Zurich. He has taught psychotherapy science and psychoanalysis in the German and international programmes since the SFU was founded. His main areas of expertise are: Basic concepts of psychoanalysis, theory of illness, treatment technique, developmental theory, supervision. He is a training analyst of the International Psychoanalytic Association, teaches at various training institutions in Western and Eastern Europe. Author of several books, numerous specialist book articles and scientific publications.
Teaching focus: psychoanalysis, psychotherapy science.
1959 – 1963 studied theology, 1963 – 1972 studied philosophy, logistics and education with excursions into history, German studies and psychology at the University of Vienna, 1972 doctorate, university assistant at the Institute for Educational Science at the University of Vienna, 1986 habilitation. In between, school practice in various types of schools, freelancer in adult education. Training in psychoanalysis, psychotherapist in private practice. Since 2000 collaboration in the university course Waldorf Education. Since 2011 in the doctoral programme at Sigmund Freud University.
Teaching focus: science and profession, process research.
Art therapist (M.A.) and cultural anthropologist (M.A.), clinically active in inpatient child and adolescent psychosomatic medicine and therapy, with a focus on behavioural, affective and somatoform disorders in adolescence. Lecturer at the Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna. Member of the DGKT e.V., HP (Psych.).
Teaching focus: PF Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinical and health psychologist and psychotherapist, as well as academic hospital manager. He has been working at the Vienna Hospital Association since 1981 and currently holds the position of “Staff position for networking management of psychosocial rehabilitation at the Ybbs/Danube site”. He also works in independent practice. He teaches clinical psychology and health psychology, gerontological psychology/psychotherapy and behavioural therapy at various universities, associations and courses and is a professor at the University of Nicosia. He is the author of numerous books and publications on these subjects.
Teaching focus: gerontological psychology, gerontological psychotherapy, behavioural therapy
DDr. Peter Geißler (studied medicine and psychology) has been a psychotherapist in private practice in 1030 Vienna and 2301 Neu-Oberhausen since 1980. He is trained in bioenergetic analysis and worked as a bioenergetic teaching analyst between 1985 and 1996.
bioenergetic training analyst between 1985 and 1996. Together with Klaus Rückert and Harald Picker he founded the Viennese symposium “Psychoanalysis and Body”, which has taken place 10 times since 1998. Since 2002 he has been
editor of the journal “Psychoanalysis and the Body”.
Teaching focus: body psychotherapy, analytical body psychotherapy
Professor of Dynamic Psychology at the University of Salento (Italy) where he directs the bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in psychology. At Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna, he teaches in the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes and leads a research group in psychotherapy training research. Main research interests: (a) epistemology and methodology of psychotherapy (research); (b) (comparative) psychotherapy research from the perspective of dynamic systems theory; (c) psychotherapy training research.
Teaching focus: Quantitative and qualitative research methods in psychotherapy; Dynamic systems theory and psychotherapy
Head of the bachelor’s degree programme in Psychotherapy Science
Head of the Propaedeuticum at the SFU
Deputy Chairman of the Senate Commission on Teaching and Learning
spent his childhood in Indonesia, Australia, Africa and Frankfurt, he is a trained systems analyst, psychologist and psychotherapist. After many years in America, membership of the ‘American Psychological Association’ and work in the state prison of New Jersey and private practice work as a psychotherapist, DDr. Golling has been working as a psychoanalyst in Vienna since 1992. He is also a founding member of the Bulgarian Society for Group Psychoanalysis.
Teaching focus: Psychoanalysis
is a lawyer at the Main Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions and deals with matters concerning psychotherapists. He studied law, psychology, economics and African studies at the universities of Vienna and Salzburg. After his court practice, he worked in the legal profession, at the former European Commission on Human Rights in Strasbourg and at the UN Refugee Agency. Study visits to South Africa and dissertation at the University of Salzburg (focus on human rights/social rights). Numerous consulting and lecturing activities accompany his professional career until today.
Teaching focus: Legal Framework within the English Programme: Introductions into Health Insurance and Health Care Environment.
Univ. Prof. DDr. Kurt Greiner, who has been teaching and researching in the field of psychotherapy studies (Psychotherapiewissenschaft) at SFU Vienna since 2007, habilitated in 2012 with a teaching license in philosophy of psychotherapy studies and was appointed university professor in the field of psychotherapy studies in 2016. He founded the discipline “Psychotextology” and heads the “Institute for Psychotextology and Philosophical Psychotherapy Studies” together with philosopher and psychologist Martin Jandl.
Main areas of research and teaching: epistemology of psychotherapy, theory research in psychotherapy and modalities-interdisciplinary therapy research.
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (1996-2003 Uni. Lj), continued her postgraduate studies 2003 – 2011 at Uni. Lj, Veterinary Faculty, Centre for Animal Genomics. Currently employed as postdoctoral researcher, assistant for Physiology at Biotechnical Faculty (Uni. of Ljubljana), assistant profesor for Physiology at Faculty of Health Science Novo mesto; Higher Education Centre Novo mesto. 2003 she enrolled in 3 year propedeutics studies of psychotherapy (Umbrella organization for psychotherapy). 2010 – 2014 studied Gestalt Experiental Family Therapy (Kempler Institute of the Gestalt Experiential Family Therapy (G.E.F.T.) in Netherlands and Slovene Kempler Institute for Family Therapy.
Schwerpunkt der Lehre: Neuroscience, the basics of anatomy and physiology of nervous system, sensory and motor functions of the nervous system, vegetative regulation, emotions and stress, the basics of genetics and gene expression.
Dr. Gerald Grundschober is the medical department head for PSD & Club at PSZ GmbH NÖ; previously he worked as a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine at the University Hospital Tulln, where he was the senior physician in charge of the psychiatric day clinic. During his studies, he worked as a caregiver for the disabled; after his medical studies, he began his specialist training at the Gugging Regional Hospital; additional work in outpatient clinics of the Anton Proksch Institute in Vienna and Wiener Neustadt in the field of addiction work; is currently studying psychotherapy; further training in animal-assisted therapy, motivational interviewing, health care management, emergency medicine and addiction medicine; many lectures.
Teaching focus: psychiatry, psychotherapy, medicine
Mag. Dr. Astrid Görtz is a lecturer for psychotherapy science at the SFU Vienna as well as at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg in the field of existential analysis as well as in the field of infant, child and adolescent psychotherapy (diagnostics, parental divorce and separation), phenomenological and hermeneutic research on existential topics (“What is a good life”) and in the context of therapy process and outcome research; Trainer and teaching supervisor for existential analysis; deputy editor-in-chief of the journal “Existenzanalyse”.
Teaching focus: existential analysis, infant, child and adolescent psychotherapy; qualitative psychotherapy research Dr. Marie-Theres Haas, MSc. MA is a lecturer, assistant professor and co-head of art therapy at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud Private University (SFU) in Vienna.
Education: kindergarten and social education, art and design therapy (ÖKfKT), life and social counselling, systemic constellation, master’s degree: social behavioural sciences and sociology (FernUniversität Hagen), dissertation: psychotherapy science; art therapy (Sigmund Freud University).
Sociology (FernUniversität Hagen), doctoral studies: psychotherapy science; art therapy (Sigmund Freud University)
Main fields of work: Psychological, educational counselling; brief interventions; supervision of trainees with special needs in difficult life situations at the Jewish Vocational Training Centre in Vienna; lecturer in art therapy at Sigmund Freud University in Vienna; private practice for art therapy in Vienna; supervision for social pedagogues and counselling teachers.
Karin Haas works as a lawyer in the legal department of the Upper Austrian Regional Health Insurance Fund. After studying law at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, she worked as a university assistant at the Institute for Civil Law in science and teaching. She then trained as a lawyer in a law firm in Linz and passed the bar exam. After working as a lawyer, she changed to the health sector and has since been employed at the Upper Austrian Regional Health Insurance Fund.
Teaching focus: social insurance, health care
Melanie Heckl, BSc., MA, studied Social Economics and Gender Studies and works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud University (SFU) in Vienna. She is also responsible for the coordination and organisation of the university course in art therapy.
Freelance work in own practice for supervision and family counselling | Supervision/coaching/organisational development for team, individual and group supervision in psychosocial fields, Many years of work in social-pedagogical family assistance (SPFH) and in intensive social-pedagogical individual case assistance (ISPE) | Lecturer for supervision at the KH and EH in Freiburg | Systemic parent counselling seminars for educators | Communication seminars as part of the training of tax trainees for the Karlsruhe tax office | Lecturer for biography work for students of social and curative art therapy at the KH in Freiburg | Systemic family/pair therapy for students of social and curative art therapy at the KH in Freiburg | Systemic family/pair therapy for students of social and curative art therapy at the KH in Freiburg and curative art therapy at the KH in Freiburg | Systemic family/couples therapist in co-work with Tandem (team for systemic solutions) in Freiburg
Main focus of teaching: qualified social pedagogue, state-approved educator, systemic family therapist, supervisor, mediator
English teacher at Sigmund Freud University, Training in the improvement of spoken and written English: IT ASCOTT, SCOR, FORMAMOD, OVATIO, TOTAL, APAVE, HOTEL OF THE PARIS (Biarritz). Diploma tefl of Wice university and Rutgers state university, Training at The European school of Philosophies and Applied Psychotherapies
works in her own practice as a psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, as a psychiatrist for the homeless at the Red Cross, as a supervisor at the House of Mercy and teaches at the SFU. She was a bookseller, is a psychoanalyst, group analyst, psychoanalytic organisational and team developer, general practitioner, specialist in psychiatry, has the ÖAK diploma for psychotherapeutic medicine and is a cabaret artist.
Teaching focus: Supervisor: reflection of the internship, reflection of the practice
Barbara Holm is currently a lecturer at Sigmund Freud University. After her training as a psychotherapist in Integrative Gestalt Therapy in Würzburg/Vienna, she completed her studies in Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud University Vienna. This was followed by the training curriculum for psycho-social process facilitator.
Focus of teaching: reflection of the internship, integrative Gestalt therapy, contact, relationship and encounter, therapeutic setting, working alliance, methodological know-how, own unresolved conflicts, resources, awareness.
is a member of the management team of the Behavioural Therapy Specialist Course at SFU Vienna and Linz, involved in the organisation and administration of teaching and training and as a teaching therapist of behavioural therapy. Since 2008 she has been working as a registered psychotherapist (behaviour therapy) in independent practice. Her field of activity includes individual, couple and group therapies, with a focus on the spectrums of affective disorders, anxiety and personality disorders, coaching, supervision, psychosocial counselling and lecturing. Teaching interests: personality development, treatment techniques and psychotherapy research.
Teaching focus: Personality development, behavioural therapy treatment techniques.
Andreas Höher has been a teaching therapist for systemic individual, couple and family therapy at the ÖAS (Austrian Association for Systemic Therapy and Systemic Studies) since 2010. After completing his psychology studies in 1992, he worked for 10 years in a children’s home as a clinical psychologist, then for 5 years at the paediatric nephrology department of Vienna General Hospital. Since 2002 he has been running a private psychotherapeutic practice and since 2005 he has been employed at the Institute for Couple and Family Therapy (Praterstraße). Since 2013 he has been head of the ÖAS teaching clinic for systemic therapy and since 2014 he has been chairman of the ÖAS training association.
Teaching focus: practice foundation seminar; basics of systemic therapy; narrative approach; solution-oriented approach; child and family therapy setting; chronic illnesses of children and adolescents.
studied psychology at the Humboldt University in Berlin (1994-2001) and received his doctorate in psychology (2002-2009). Accompanying his studies, he completed training as a communication trainer (artop e.V.; 1999-2004). From 2008 to 2014, he worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Personality Psychology at the University of Potsdam. Since completing his training as a psychotherapist (2008-2014), he has been working as a licensed cognitive behavioural therapist in his own private practice. At SFU Berlin, he has been teaching differential psychology and personality theories as a freelance lecturer since the winter semester 2014-2015. He also works as a freelance lecturer at other educational institutions (e.g. Health Psychology Diagnostics at the Medical School Berlin, BNGO Curriculum “Oncology”, Training Curriculum for Psychological Psychotherapists at the API Potsdam).
Teaching focus: differential psychology, personality theories, diagnostics
VINKO NINO JAEGER is a visual artist, author and lecturer in wood sculpture, art, art therapy and occupational therapy at various universities and colleges. He is also active in adult education. His focus is on performative wood sculpture, writing and photography – rooted in architecture, walking, philosophy and literature. His first book ‘Holzskulpturen selbst gemacht. Queere Notizen vom schreibenden Körper’ was published in 2021. He studied contextual painting and object sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, as well as philosophy and psychology at the University of Salzburg.
Focus of teaching: artistically-orientated self-awareness
Studied education, curative education and art therapy in Göttingen and Cologne.
Psychosomatics: since 2011 Art therapist at the Höhenried Clinic on Lake Starnberg, psychosomatics and cardiopsychology. Since 2013 Head Art Therapist | 2005-2006 Art Therapist at the Vinzenz -Pallotti Hospital Bensberg, psychosomatic gynaecology, oncology | 1999 – 2003 Art Therapist at the Kurpfalz -Klinik Bad Dürkheim, psychosomatics
Neurology: 2003- 2005 art therapist in a long-term rehabilitation facility for people with craniocerebral injuries in Essen | 2005-2006 art therapist in the Mauritius therapy clinic in Meerbusch
Children and adolescents: 2006-2010 Art therapist at the Pionierstraße day clinic in Cologne | 2008-2010 Art therapist and curative teacher at fips e.V. Conceptualisation of art therapy projects | Since 2004 Freelance work and publications
Martin J. Jandl is a philosopher and psychologist who has been teaching and researching at SFU since autumn 2007 and has been a member of SFU’s regular academic staff since 2010. Since February 2016, he has been coordinator of the English programme of the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science (together with Emma McNally). His teaching covers psychological and philosophical topics. His research focus is Idea Critical Therapy Analysis, i.e. the elaboration of the philosophical foundations of psychotherapy science. Together with his friend and colleague Kurt Greiner, he works on experimental-reflexive and imaginative-hermeneutic procedures (bizarrosophy).
Research focus: Idea-critical therapy school analysis, bizarrosophy
Dr. Anna Jank-Humann graduated in psychotherapy science from the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, specialising in disaster research and storm surges in North Friesland. She is a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science, a staff member of the Institute for Psychoanalytical-Ethnological Disaster Research and a registered psychotherapist and individual psychological analyst in private practice.
Research/teaching focus: disaster research, resilience research, Iceland studies, ethnological-psychoanalytic narrative and biographical research.
She holds a PhD in Social Pedagogy, has completed 4 year training programme in Systemic Psychotherapy, is an Assistant Professor of Health Promotion (Faculty of Health Care Jesenice) and Assistant Teaching Professor of Social Pedagogy (Faculty of Education). Works at the National Institute of Public Health as a Public Health Expert. Is a National Coordinator of Health Behaviour in School- Aged Children (HBSC) study, teaches at Faculty of Education, the Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care Jesenice, SFU Ljubljana. Had directed and participated in various research projects. Has published more than 40 scientific articles and is a first author/co-author of scientific and professional monographs.
Univ.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andrea Jesser, Vice-Dean Teaching at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science, Dr. in Sociology, Cultural and Social Anthropology and registered psychotherapist for Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapy, with a practice in Lower Austria. Her research focuses on qualitative psychotherapy research, psychotherapy care research and youth and health research.
Dr. Christian Katzian is an assistant physician at the Neuromed Campus of the Kepler University Hospital Linz. After studying medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, he began his practical work in training as a general practitioner at Freistadt Hospital. He then worked there as a secondary physician and trained as an emergency physician before beginning his training as a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine in 2013. At the same time, he started a systemic psychotherapy training. As part of the training, he was given the opportunity of scientific research and held several further training courses and psychoeducations for colleagues and patients.
Focus of teaching: Psychiatric clinical pictures in theory and practice based on case studies.
Works at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana, and at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science of Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana. His practice includes 10 years’ work at a rehabilitation unit, 13 years’ work with children and youth with behaviour and other problems, and 20 years’ experience in psychotherapy with individuals, couples and families. After graduation, he received education for a psychotherapist: 4 years in Psychotherapy Cybernetics (Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Department of Psychiatry) and 4 years in Systemic Family Therapy (Verein zur Förderung der Familientherapie und –beratung e.V.). He has an ECP (EAP) diploma in psychotherapy.
Focus of teaching/lecturing: living with Long-Standing Mental Health Problems; Rehabilititation, special needs and therapeutic psychology
Studied law at the University of Vienna; honorary professor at Sigmund Freud University in the field of psychotherapy science; head of the department for legal affairs for doctors, psychology, psychotherapy and music therapy at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health and Women’s Affairs: Elaboration of legal regulations in the field of psychosocial health care; Deputy Chair of the Psychologists’ Advisory Board and Psychotherapy Advisory Board, member of the Advisory Board for Mediation; lecturer within the framework of the Universities of Innsbruck, Klagenfurt and Vienna, the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Holder of the Golden Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria.
Teaching focus: law in the health sector
Hans-Jürgen Klien is a member of the management team of the Specialised Behavioural Therapy at the SFU Vienna and Linz, active in the organisation and administration of teaching and training and as a teaching therapist of behavioural therapy. Since 1997 he has been working as a registered psychotherapist (behaviour therapy) in independent practice. His field of practice includes individual, couple and group therapies as well as coaching, supervision and psychosocial counselling with adults and adolescents. During his many years as a psychotherapist at the Counselling Centre Liezen (PSN), he was confronted with practically all ICD 10 disorders. He heads the men’s counselling centre in Liezen (Styria).
Teaching focus:VT standard methods, personality development / self-awareness, supervision.
Helga Klug, completed her studies in German philology, philosophy, psychology, education and psychotherapy science and has many years of work in education. Psychoanalyst, teaching therapist (psychoanalysis), supervisor and lecturer at SFU Vienna and Berlin. Co-initiator of the Psychoanalysis Research Colloquium at SFU Vienna (start WS 2023/24).
Main research interests: psychoanalytic social critique, literature and psychoanalysis, theories of intersubjectivity, current methodological and theoretical developments in psychoanalysis.
A psychologist, psychotherapist, lecturer and researcher, has a PhD in clinical psychology (Uni. Lj). She was a researcher and teacher at Faculty of Social Work (Uni. Lj), now at SFU and institutes for psychotherapy. She is the author of several scientific articles, worked in the field of voluntary work with children and adolescents. She leads a private psychotherapy practice where she works with individuals, couples, families, groups. She combines knowledge of developmental, psychoanalytic, attachment and system theory and family systemic psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis, EMDR, group dynamics, creative and body-centered approaches, NLP, integrative gestalt therapy, yoga and meditation.
Robert Koch works as a psychotherapist in private practice in Vienna and Korneuburg. He is a teaching therapist for systemic family therapy and leads training curricula for the Austrian Association for Systemic Therapy and Systemic Studies (ÖAS). He is also a member of the faculty of systemic therapy at the Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna. In the field of psychology, he teaches there in the field of conversation management.
Robert Koch heads the Institute for Equine Assisted Communication.
Teaching focus: teaching therapist for systemic family therapy
is a psychotherapist (behavioural therapy), studied psychotherapy science, teaching therapist with full authorisation to teach, individual and group self-awareness with the aim of illuminating one’s own personality traits as well as one’s dealings with patients, colleagues and superiors in these areas, recognising dysfunctional sides, weaknesses, strengths and resources, modifying them, adapting them responsibly, harmonising one’s personal style with the tasks set and working out development tasks from this. Supervision: Personal support of the supervisee, in relation to his/her problems in therapeutic work on all relevant issues.
Focus of teaching: Basics of VT, diagnostics, basics of language I + II, anxiety disorders.
Marital and family therapist, an associate professor of marriage and family therapy at the Theological Faculty University of Ljubljan, and associate professor at SFU Lj. As a therapist works in social welfare as an independent consultant and licensed supervisor in a project „Therapeutic helpto families facing emotional, physical and sexual violence“, funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Her research interests are: parenting, marital relationship and neuropsychological basis of attachment. She publishes her research work in scientific articles and books: The discovery of the relationship, The hidden power of the family, Love heals memory, Sensitivity to children and Attachment theory.
Studies in Sinology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna | Doctoral studies at SFU Vienna.
Collaboration at the Institute for Transcultural and Historical Research at the SFU Vienna and indexing of the estate of Paul Parin and Goldy Parin-Matthèy at the SFU
Teaching focus: transcultural psychotherapy research in the context of organising field research excursions for students at SFU
2009 she became a professor of physical education at Faculty of Sport and completed Propaedeutic in psychotherapy at SFU Ljubljana. She continued studying at the 4-year post-graduate specialization studies in integrative psychotherapy and received the title of certified integrative psychotherapist (IIAP, EAIP, SDP, EAP). 2013 she finished doctoral program in marriage and family therapy, worked in the non-governmental organizations dealing with psychosocial support as a professional program manager six years. Currently is employed at SFU Ljubljana as head of studies and assistant psychotherapeutic science. She also does partner and individual psychotherapy in her private practice.
Information available soon…
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kriz is Emeritus Professor of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology, University of Osnabrück. He studied psychology and astrophysics in Hamburg and Vienna. After receiving his doctorate in 1969, he was a research assistant at the “Inst. f. Advanced Studies” in Vienna, lecturer at the University of Hamburg, 1972-74 professor of statistics at the University of Bielefeld. From 1974-1999 he was Professor of Research Methods, Statistics and Philosophy of Science (overlapping with the clinical professorship 1980-2010) at the University of Osnabrück. He has held visiting professorships in Vienna, Zurich, Berlin, Riga, Moscow and the USA. Kriz is an honorary member of several psychotherapeutic societies and has received several prizes and awards.
Teaching focus: Paradigm (history) of psychology and psychotherapy, systemic and humanistic approaches in psychotherapy and psychology, scientific-theoretical and methodological foundations.
Dr. Kronsteiner works as a psychotherapist (psychoanalysis, systemic family therapy) in private practice, for the care centre for torture and war survivors “Hemayat” in Vienna and in independent research and teaching. She has been a university lecturer at various universities in Austria since 1993. During and after her studies of ethnology (cultural and social anthropology), oriental studies and psychology in Vienna, she completed numerous language and research stays in Turkey and Syria. She worked for many years in a counselling centre for women and children from Turkey.
Teaching focus: Ethnopsychoanalysis, inter-, intra-, transcultural psychotherapy, individual, collective and intergenerational trauma, culture, migration and flight, feminism and gender constructions.
Studies: Art History/ Folklore, University of Hamburg (Mag.), Fine Arts, University of Fine Arts Hamburg (Dipl.), Art Therapy, Academy of Fine Arts Munich
Activities, clinical field: Psychosomatics (Roseneck Clinic), Psychosomatics/ Psychocardiology (Höhenried Clinic), Psychiatry, Acute Ward (Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU Munich).
Independent activities: KT individual support for people with dementia, lecturer for biography work in work with the elderly, art therapy for young people with autism and management of an open studio (TU Munich), as well as projects, lectures, specialist art and exhibition work with/without patients.
Teaching focus: practice and theory of psychosomatics (especially psychocardiology), art therapy and grief work, suicidality in images, art history of medical images.
is a senior researcher and lecturer at the Prague College of Psychosocial Studies and Univ. Prof. at the College of Applied Psychology in Terezín. His research interests include the interdisciplinary field of cultural studies and psychology, with current topics of subcultures, cultural factors in psychotherapy, corrective experiences, the efficiency of group psychotherapy, socio-cultural dimensions of globalisation processes and active ageing. He studied at Charles University in Prague, where he also became an assistant professor. Since 2022 Vice Dean Research at SFU Vienna, Faculty of Psychotherapy Science.
Teaching focus: Practical significance of research in psychotherapy; variables and specifics in psychotherapy research; psychotherapeutic outcomes in scientific publications; differential psychology of William Stern; culture as a factor of diversity; interculturality; mutual relationship of cultural anthropology and differential psychology. Sandra Köhldorfer is a psychological psychotherapist in private practice in Germany and Austria. Main areas of expertise: Psychoanalysis, group dynamics and group psychotherapy, personality disorders, relationship research, family, couple and group therapy, child and adolescent psychotherapy, group psychoanalytic team and organisational development as well as media and communication consulting. Since 2013, she has taught, among other things, concepts of processes and dynamics in groups, differential pathology with a focus on personality disorder, psychosocial forms of intervention, psychotherapeutic interviewing, crisis intervention, holds seminars and supervises in the training for child and adolescent psychotherapy and other various teaching assignments. Since 2013 she has also been active as a book author and in the media.
Coordinator of the teaching and research in the Center Minkowska (since 2010), President of ISM-Interprétariat in Paris (since 2015), PhD anthropology (Washington University in Saint Louis/EHESS Louis/EHESS Paris) – 2010, University degree in intercultural psychology – in 2008.
Barbara Laimböck, born 1961, MD since 1986. General practitioner since 1991. Specialist in anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine since 1995. Psychotherapist for KIP since 1997, hypnosis since 2005. Court expert since 2015. Lectures at home and abroad. Teaches at the SFU in Berlin and in Vienna. Publications in scientific journals on art and psychotherapy. Board member of the Ärztekunstverein.
Further training: Emergency doctor, orthomolecular medicine. Mesotherapy. Imago couples therapy. TFP with Otto Kernberg and others. She enjoys art and paints, dances, plays the piano and writes poetry.
Main areas of teaching: neuroscience and the creative brain, psychotherapy, illness theory (depression, personality disorders, anxiety, PTSD, psychosomatics).
Alen Latini, psychologist (MSc), psychoanalytic/hypnoanalitic/psychdynamic psychotherapist
From 1972 – 78 he studied psychology (Uni. of Lj, Faculty of Arts); 1980 – 81: postgraduate study of clinical hypnosis (Slovenian Medical Association); 1987 – 90: specialization in Clinical Psychology (Medical Faculty Lj); 1987 – 90: postgraduate study of psychopathology (Medical Faculty Lj); 1986 – 94: postgraduate study specific training in Psychoanalytic modality – Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (Medical Faculty Lj); 1991 – 94: postgraduate study of Integrative psychotherapy (European Academy for Psychosocial Health, Düsseldorf). Since 2008: learning therapist, supervisor and Psychotherapy teacher in Slovenian umbrella organization for Psychotherapy, from 2013 at SFU Ljubljana.
Focus of teaching: theory and practice of psychoanalysis
He studied at Faculty of Arts (Uni Lj) and holds titles of University Degree Pedagogue and Professor of Slovene language and literature. He studied propedeutics and psychoanalysis at SFU Lj. He attends doctoral programme at SFU Wien and is in the process of becoming a supervisor in psychotherapy. At SFU Lj he works as a tutor, mentor to students – giving presentations of clinical cases in therapy to specialistic students, a supervizor and since 2016/17 also a teacher. He is a certified psychoanalytical psychotherapist at the ECPP and a member of EZPPS (European association of psychoanalytical approaches – Slovenia). He has a private practice for individual and group psychotherapy.
Focus of teaching: sexuality, psychoanalysis
Psychology studies
Psychotherapeutic training for behaviour therapy
Teaching therapist and supervisor
Many years of practical work in a clinical outpatient clinic
Current academic career at SFU: in teaching, research and application of the scientific foundations of psychology
Mariia Lenherr (maiden name: Demianchuk) has completed a Master’s degree in Psychology in Kyiv, Ukraine. The Master’s degree in Psychotherapy as a Science at SFU in Vienna was followed by a PhD. Her dissertation topic is “Dreams and Transgenerationally-Transmitted Trauma in the Novel “The Museum of Abandoned Secrets” by Oksana Zabuzhko. She is a psychoanalyst in a private practice and a training analyst (PSI, SFU), supervisor and university lecturer in the international psychotherapy programme at SFU (in English).
Teaching focus: psychoanalysis and literature, group psychoanalysis, dream interpretation, psychosomatics, transgenerational trauma.
Born in 1960 in Linz. After studying theology and further training in Gestalt pedagogy, she turned to Gestalt therapy and supplemented her specialist training with a focus on psychotherapy with children and adolescents.
and adolescents. In addition to working as a psychotherapist in private practice in Linz, Rudolf Liedl is a teaching therapist and lecturer at the Institute for Integrative Gestalt Therapy in Vienna, supervisor and speaker on psychotherapeutic topics; he is also chairman of the Ethics, Complaints and Arbitration Board of the Upper Austrian Association for Psychotherapy and Speech Therapy.
Regional Association for Psychotherapy and editor of the journal Gestalt Therapy of the German Association for Gestalt Therapy.
Teaching focus: Gestalt therapy
From 1999 to 2009 director of the Berlin Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, 2007 founder and until 2010 scientific director of the “Forum Psychoanalytic Sciences” in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Studies of the Humboldt University Berlin. Since 2009 he has been a lecturer at the SFU Vienna and Berlin, was a member of the founding committee of the SFU Berlin; is a specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, psychoanalyst, psychooncologist, teaching analyst and teaching therapist, group teaching analyst, group analytical team supervisor and organisational consultant. Authorised to provide further training as a specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy/psychoanalysis (Academy for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Berlin – APM (German Society for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy). Teaching analyst at the Teaching and Research Institute of the German Academy for Psychoanalysis DAP Berlin and lecturer at the Further Training Institute for Psychosomatic Gynaecology WIPF. He has had his own practice for over 20 years.
Teaching focus: Psychosomatic medicine, psychoanalysis in theory and application, self-awareness in psychodynamic procedures. Psychoanalytic cultural theory. Evolutionary anthropology and epistemology.
Art therapist MA. Dance and expressive therapist. Anthropologist Mag. Speaker/lecturer/trainer for health promotion and resilience, intercultural facilitation. Works in own practice in Vienna.
Work and research focus:
– Intermedial art therapy and embodiment
– Coping with illness through artistic-dance therapy for people with Parkinson’s disease.
She has also worked for many years with Caritas, Jugend am Werk and self-help organisations in the field of curative therapy (dance, music and expression) with people with disabilities.
is a person-centred psychotherapist and APG.IPS trainer. She is also a staff member of Frauen* beraten Frauen* in Vienna and heads the counselling service at Webster University Vienna. She is a lecturer for ethics and personality theories at the HOPP of the University of Vienna and at APG as well as for gender-sensitive counselling at Danube University Krems. Studied German, English and Gender Studies at the University of Vienna. She is also an author and teaches creative writing as a medium in counselling and psychotherapy. Heads the complaints office of the NÖLP. European Certificate as Psychotherapist for Person-Centred and Experiental Psychotherapy.
Teaching focus: Gender issues, ethical issues in psychotherapy.
Anna Maurer (1950) Special needs teacher and author, psychotherapist in independent practice in Vienna, integrative Gestalt therapy, body-oriented methods: Bioenergetic analysis, founder of IGM body therapy. Trauma focus basic therapist, personality coach, seminar and workshop activity. Teaching therapist, teaching supervisor and training director for Integrative Gestalt Therapy at the Institute for Integrative Gestalt Therapy Vienna (IGWien) and lecturer at the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna.
Teaching focus: psychotherapy, integrative Gestalt therapy, body psychotherapy, trauma therapy, group processes.
Since 1984 international exhibition activity, projects in public space and participatory art action, and since 1987 various teaching activities at universities.
Diploma degree, College of Art Therapy, Nürtingen.
Further training in art therapy, Cologne School for Art Therapy
Sculpture studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart with Prof. Micha Ullmann
Teaching focus: artist, art therapist (FH), Hoschul lecturer, artivist, author
Emma Mcnally, received her Psychology Bachelor’s degree with Honors from the UK; Studied Abnormal Psychology in NY, Spanish Language and Culture in Madrid and a Masters degree in Psychotherapy Science in SFU. Completed postgraduate study in Forensic Psychology and Crime in the UK, and training in forensic units. Completed Systemic Family Therapy training.The former head of the university psychotherapy international clinic. In this area she obtained clinical skills working with international patients and trainee therapists. Currently she is the Coordinator of the English Department of Psychotherapy Science and a senior lecturer and supervisor in the Bachelor programme.
Focus of teaching/lecturing: psychology, psychotherapy
Studied psychology and psychopathology in Salzburg and Memphis Tennesse. Worked for almost 40 years as a clinical and health psychologist at the Office for Youth and Family in Vienna. Various psychotherapeutic trainings, teaching therapist of the ÖAS, systemic family therapy, supervision, mediation. Lecturer at SFU since the beginning, ARGE education management and psychotherapy advisory board member since 1996, teaching in various countries.
Focus of teaching: helping people to get along with each other – with the attitude of the social deconstructionist.
Dipl.-Psychol., Dipl.-Theol., Clinical Psychologist, Psychol. Psychotherapist / Licensed in Germany and Austria. Supervisor BDP, Dr. phil. (Aesthetic Theory and Medicine around 1800), as well as the following teaching activities: a.o. Prof. em. TU Berlin (Socialisation Theory and Aesthetics), eh. Prof. f. Art Therapy at the University of the Arts Dresden, Prof. em. KH Freiburg (Ageing, Disability, Art Therapy). Teaching therapist of the German Ges. f. Artistic Therapies DGKT e.V., 2nd chairman of the German Society for Artistic Therapies and co-editor of the journal ‘Kunst & Therapie’. Since 2013 guest professor in charge of the university course in art therapy at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna and Berlin.
Teaching focus: developmental psychology and psychopathology of childhood, adolescence and old age; neurological/neurobiological foundations of disability and especially: dementia; art therapy (approaches, professional fields, diagnostics, methods, practice); especially: artistic-therapeutic methods in social, special, curative and remedial education, clinical-rehabilitative art therapy.
is a systemic psychotherapist, painting and design therapist and clinical art therapist. She works as a psychotherapist in independent practice and in an addiction counselling centre and as an art therapist in a psychiatric day centre. Prior to this, art therapy group and individual work in the geriatric field. Her main interests in therapeutic work are the themes of dignity and autonomy despite illness-related limitations and creating rehearsal spaces for reality.
Focus of teaching: non-verbal communication and creative methods, from body awareness and creative expression to language and back again.
since 2014 Psychotherapy Ambulance for Children and Adolescents, ‘Kinderhilfswerk’, Vienna, Austria Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst since 2012 Psychotherapy Ambulance ‘Praxisgemeinschaft Loewengasse’, Vienna, Austria Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst; Master‟s Degree in Psychotherapy Science – English Programme, (Thesis title: Operation Noble Anvil – Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Consequences of Humanitarian Intervention), Sigmund Freud University Vienna.
Alexandra Moritz is a psychotherapist (psychoanalysis method), clinical and health psychologist and child and youth psychotherapist. At SFU she is a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology in Vienna and at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science in Linz. She studied at the Paris Lodron University in Salzburg and the University of Vienna. Alexandra Moritz was a research assistant and clinical psychologist at the Donauspital/SMZ-Ost, psychotherapist for children and adolescents at the WGKK (including for the group programme “Enorm in Form”) and has been in independent practice since 2011.
Teaching focus: Psychosocial and psychotherapeutic forms of intervention, areas of application and use of clinical psychological means, rehabilitation of chronic diseases, psychopathology, topics of grief & loss.
Born 1952, lives in Linz. Clinical and health psychologist, psychotherapist (additional training in behavioural therapy and systemic family therapy). From 1983-2014 worked at the Wagner-Jauregg Provincial Mental Hospital Linz in the areas of adolescent psychiatry, adult psychiatry, inpatient and day-care psychosomatics. Formerly also active as a clinical psychologist in the preparation of clinical-psychological findings for the regional health insurance fund and the pension insurance institution. Since 1987 has had his own practice specialising in anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, hypochondria and somatoform and psychosomatic disorders. Author of up to 12 books on anxiety disorders and somatoform disorders.
Finished Master at Medicine Faculty (Uni. Lj), specialized in psychiatry. Worked as psychiatrist in Psychiatric hospital Vojnik, finished systemic psychotherapy education (Medicine Faculty, Zagreb). Has a private psychotherapy practice. Was assistant lecturer at Faculty for Social Work (Uni. Lj), leader of voluntary project of psychosocial help for children, adolescents, families (ODMEV). Finished education for teacher of system. family therapy (VFT, München). Holds ECP and Licence for Supervision in Social Care. Started the project of PTH science study in collaboration with SFU Vienna (2006). Since 2013 lecturer and director of SFU Ljubljana, leader of the system. psychotherapy training.
He worked as psychologist in a youth offenders‘ institution, was a junior researcher at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana for 6 years. After, he developed a programe for nonformal work with drop outs, worked in the field of systemic developing the youth work and as a school councellor. Since 2005 he has a private psychotherapeutic practice. Together with his wife as cotherapist they run educational and therapeutic workshops for parents and couples, individual help and other forms of mental health services. He is author and coauthor of some pioneering works in Slovenian. At the moment is most referential their book: Connect with your teenager. A Parenting Guide for Everyday situation.
Michael Musalek has been a specialist in psychiatry and neurology since 1986, and a psychotherapist since 1993. Since 1993 court-certified expert in the field of psychiatry. 1990 Venia docendi for the entire field of psychiatry. Since 1997, associate university professor of psychiatry at the Medical University of Vienna. Since 2001 primary physician at the Anton Proksch Institute, since 2004 medical director of the Anton Proksch Institute. Since 2015 Director of the Institute for Social Aesthetics and Mental Health at SFU Vienna, Member of the Board of the European Psychiatric Association (Secretary for Sections), President of the European Society for Aesthetics and Medicine.
Teaching focus: Social aesthetics and mental health
Bernhard Möbus was a specialist in internal and psychosomatic medicine, initially in internal medicine (oncology / cardiology), later also in Gestalt and body psychotherapy, before turning to individual and group psychoanalysis around the millennium. Other professional focuses include psychodynamic organisational and personnel development as well as family court expert reports. Mr Möbus was and is active as a lecturer and supervisor at several training institutes for psychoanalysis. He is married and has two children.
Teaching focus: neuroscience, BPS, separation families, group psychoanalysis, psychosomatics, late adolescence.
Studied psychology at the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, followed by doctoral studies (qualitative psychotherapy research from the patient’s perspective) at the University Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Ulm. Subsequently DFG-funded post-doctoral fellowship at York University, Toronto with focus on narrative analysis of psychotherapy processes. During this time, lecturer at AAU Klagenfurt, University of Ulm, York University and SFU Vienna. Since 2012 at SFU Vienna; clinical specialisation as psychoanalyst, head of the Institute for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Research, member of the ethics committee (PTW & PSY).
Teaching focus: Psychosomatics, Narrative Interviews, Grounded Theory, Content Analysis, Psychoanalytic Process Research. Mag.a art phil. Dorothea Oberegelsbacher
is head of the Individual Psychology Department at SFU, teaching analyst, supervisor and lecturer in psychotherapy sciences. She is a psychologist, psychotherapist (IP) and music therapist. She has been teaching clinical music therapy at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, in Italy since 1989 and has published numerous articles on psychotherapy, intellectual impairment and music therapy. She is co-founder of the Vienna Institute for Music Therapy (WIM) and author of the first “Textbook Music Therapy” with editions in Russian and Chinese. She developed methods of psychotherapy for intellectual impairment.
Focus of teaching: individual psychology, treatment technique, psychotherapy of the disabled
Medical University Pécs (Hungary) 1980-1986 MD degree (Cum Laude) | University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) 1988-1990 Department of Philosophy –philosophy | University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) 1993-1996 Institute of Human Sciences – discourse studies | University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) 1994-1995 Medical School – 1993-1996 Specialization of Psychiatry leading to Certification in Psychiatry | University of Pécs (Hungary) (2003) Department of Psychology : PhD in psychology (Summa Cum Laude) | Primorska University (Slovenia) 2012 Habilitation (Assistant professor – suicidology) | Szemmelweis University (Hungary) 2013 Certification in Psychotherapy.
Employment: Regional Hospital Szigetvar (Hungary) 1986-1987 | Medical Center of Yugoslav Army at Ljubljana (1988-1991) as GP | Ministry of Defence of Slovenia 1991-1994 Advisor | Psychiatric Hospital Ormoz (1994 – till present) – Psychiatrist | Part time lecturer at SFU Ljubljana, 2007 – till present
born in 1979, lives in Linz. and has been the head of the psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic at SFU in Linz since 2018. She studied law at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz and subsequently trained as a systemic family therapist. Her professional activities to date have included both legal and various psychosocial and psychiatric areas. She also works in her own practice, as a lecturer and as a teaching therapist with partial authorisation to teach.
Focus of teaching: praxeology, personality development
Dr. Gabriela Pap is a teaching analyst and supervisor in the Individual Psychology Department at Sigmund Freud University Vienna. She completed her master’s and doctoral studies in psychotherapy sciences at Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna and subsequently completed further training in mentalisation-based psychotherapy (P. Fonagy et al.) at the Anna Freud Institute London, attachment-based psychotherapy (K.H. Brisch) at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, master’s course in psychotherapy research at MedUni Vienna.
Teaching focus: topicality of individual psychology from the perspective of attachment research as well as mentalisation theory, psychoanalysis, developmental psychology.
Holds a B.Sc. in Physics, M.Sc. in Philosophy of Science/cognitive sciences and Ph.D. in Psychology/cognitive neuroscience (Uni. Lj). Has been working and lecturing since 1999 in multidisciplinary fields of cognitive sciences, since 2009 at the SFU– neurobiology & psychotherapy and lectured on perception/psychology for 18 years at Art-academy. He was founder and coordinator/secretary of the Slovene Society for Cognitive Sciences. He worked in IT industry and various multidisciplinary organizations. He has published several books, about 60 scientific papers in books and peer-reviewed journals. He has lectured at about 30 international scientific conferences and 10 national ones.
Dr. in Psychotherapy Science, Mag. in Cultural and Interdisciplinary Anthropology. She studied Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Ethnology, Cultural and Interdisciplinary Anthropology and Diplomacy. She has been research associate at the Institute for Psychosomatics and a member of Sigmund Freud University academic staff.
Research focus: Development of Psychoanalysis, Development of Psychotherapy, Qualitative Psychotherapy Research, Psychoanalytic process, Transference und countertransference.
Eric Pfeifer is professor for aesthetics and communication – emphasis on music as a medium at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg (Germany), doctoral supervisor and lecturer at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna (Austria), psychotherapist (systemic family therapy and systemic infant, child, and adolescent therapy; ÖAS), logotherapist and existential analyst (DGLE), music therapist (University of Augsburg), teacher (University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg; subjects: English and music); doctorate at the University of Augsburg (2013); habilitation at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna (full venia docendi for the entire field of psychotherapy science, 2021); private practice for psychotherapy, music therapy, counselling, and supervision.
Research interests: psychotherapy research, nature in psychotherapy and arts therapy, nature and mental health, nature therapy, meaning-oriented psychotherapy, silence, music – health – well-being, music therapy, perception of time.
Head of the Master’s degree programme in Psychotherapy Science
I studied Pharmacy and became a Master of Pharmacy. I was working in Company Schering-Plough. I started to study psychotherapy. In 2013 I started with Doctoral Program. I started to work with clients as specialist of psychoanalysis. In 2013 I received the Practitioner certificate from ECPP and Certificate as training analyst and as supervisor. In 2013 I was leading SFU clinic. From 2014 I give lectures of Psychopharmacology. In last five years I have actively cooperated with several societies: leading workshops and giving lectures. I was educating for a psychoanalytical Group Therapist in Institute for Group Psychoanalysis Ljubljana.
is a psychologist, teaching therapist and head of the elective subject Existential Analysis at Sigmund Freud University Vienna, lecturer at the University of Vienna as well as head of the Vienna Institute and board member in the Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. She designed the further training curriculum Existential Analytic Couples Therapy and is president of the Imago Society Austria. She was a member of the editorial board of the journal Existenzanalyse, was and is active in ethics committees, author of books, and lecturer at national and international congresses.
Teaching focus: Existential analysis and logotherapy, finding meaning and life values, conscience and ethics, intuition and spirituality, trauma, couple therapy.
Born in Maribor. Undergraduate (1990), master’s (1994) and doctoral studies of Psychology (1998) has passed on the FF-UL. Employment way: Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), A. Trstenjak Institute; Society „Project Man“; Institute for Addiction; Institute Soca; current job position: UP-FAMNIT and ZBPS. Education in foreign countries including 6-years training in bonding psychotherapy in CEIS in Rome (at 2000 – BP Fellow; at 2014 Teaching Fellow). As a psychotherapist he is working in Koper and Ljubljana (for persons with emotional and relational problems, addicts etc).
Her doctors thesis was ‚Safe parenting from the perspective of relational and family theory and therapy‘. From the year 2004 on she runs a project ‚Aid to young families in need‘, last two years she teaches at the University of Sigmund Freud in Ljubljana. She is the author of many scientific and professional articles, books (Between two fires, Sensibility to children, Sensible parenting), audio and video recordings, and is an active participant in national and international conferences. With her coworkers she founded the institute »Study and Research Centre for the Family«, where she also works.
Focus of teaching/lecturing: Family therapy, children psychology
Studied philosophy and education in Innsbruck, Vienna and Seville. Psychotherapist. Teaching therapist. 2003 PhD. 2014 Habilitation at SFU. Head of the German Doctoral Programme in Psychotherapy Science and Deputy Head of the Institute for Institute for Behavioural Addictions and Addiction Research at SFU. Teaching therapist for existential analysis at Danube University Krems. Editor-in-chief and publisher of: Rausch – Vienna Journal for Addiction Therapy.
Latest publication: M. Poltrum et al. (Hg. 2023), The Oxford Handbook of Mental Health and Contemporary Western Aesthetics, Oxford University Press.
Teaching focus: Publication, research and teaching activities in the field of addiction research and at the interface of philosophy, psychotherapy, ethics, aesthetics and medical humanities.
He is a psychiatrist (M.D., Medical Faculty, University Zagreb) and a systemic psychotherapist (Cybernetic of Psychotherapy, Psychiatry Clinic KBC Zagreb; ECP). He is also a Mater Practitioner of of Neurolinguistic programming (NLP). Since 2009 he has been working in the Counselling Centre for youths and families, since 2008 as Psychiatrist in General Hospital Nasice; 2004–2008 he was a resident of psychiatry in General Hospital Nasice, 2000-2004 he was a Medical doctor in HMP Valpovo.
Focus of teaching/lecturing: group psychotherapy, systemic psychotherapy, trauma work
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhold Popp (*1949) completed doctoral studies (education, political science, psychology, philosophy) as well as training in psychotherapy (IP) and further training in clinical psychology and health psychology. After his habilitation (1986), he headed future science-oriented research centres in Salzburg and Vienna as well as a doctoral programme (“Future – Education – Quality of Life”) at the University of Innsbruck until 2013. Since 2014, he has been a guest researcher at the “Institut Futur” of the University of Excellence FU Berlin and teaches at the master’s programme for futurology located there. At SFU Vienna he heads the “Institute for Futures Research in Human Sciences” and since 2019 he has also been deputy director of the PTW doctoral programme.
Teaching focus: futures and innovation research in the human and social sciences; history of science, theory of science & research methodology; theoretical foundations of psychodynamic concepts; research management; quality of life – in the field of tension between the individual and society.
Born 1958 in Graz
Study of human medicine in Vienna
Specialist in psychiatry and neurology / LKH Mauer
Specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry / Vienna General Hospital and Linz Children’s Hospital
Work at social pedagogical institutions
Teaching focus: Understanding of psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry
Internalising disorders
Eva Pritz is a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst and supervisor with a focus on treatment before and after organ transplantation and migration. Until April 2023 she was head of the University Outpatient Clinic for Psychotherapy at SFU and until 2021 she was a member of the Complaints Board of the Association of Austrian Psychotherapists (VÖPP). In addition, Mag. Pritz is active in her private practice and in adult education.
Teaching focus: ethics, crisis intervention, interviewing
Maximilian Pritz graduated in psychotherapy science from Sigmund Freud University Vienna. He works as a psychotherapist in private practice (psychoanalysis / psychoanalytic psychotherapy), teaching analyst, supervisor, university lecturer and is the head of the Department of University Communications at Sigmund Freud University.
Psychoanalyst, lecturer, teaching analyst, supervisor
Specialisation: neuropsychotherapy, therapy of personality disorders
Doris Pühringer is a founding member of the Institute for Applied Pedagogy and Psychotherapeutic Practice (Apädo-Institut für Angewandte Pädagogik und psychotherapeutische Praxis) and has been its director since 1996. In cooperation with the SFU, she ran the Vienna Children’s Fund between 2010/12. She is a member of the board and a teaching therapist in the specialised course for behavioural therapy at the SFU. Furthermore, she is also a certified child and adolescent psychotherapist in the SFU – course with Dr. Sindelar.
Teaching focus: Teaching therapist in the specialised course for behavioural therapy, lecturer in the course for child/adolescent psychotherapy.
Paolo Raile studied psychotherapy science, social work and European ethnology. He is a university lecturer at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, psychotherapist in independent practice, social worker and runs two companies in the psychosocial field.
Dr. Katharina Reboly, born 1981, is a licensed psychological psychotherapist and psychoanalyst in private practice in Berlin, founding director of the SFU branch in Berlin and Vice Dean for University Psychotherapy. Clinical focus and areas of interest include research & treatment of the Messie Syndrome, somatopsychotherapy in theory and practice, psychotherapy of young adulthood, Art Brut & Outsider Art. A special concern is the establishment of psychotherapy science in the scientific-practical and professional-political context in Austria and in Germany, the academisation of psychotherapy in teaching & research, practice & training as well as psychodynamic university development.
Teaching focus: Psychotherapy as a profession, Psychosocial forms of intervention I + II, treatment technique
Graduated from Social Sciences, with master’s degree and Ph.D. from Human resource management. He has three decades of experience in Social Welfare, including the position at the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Currently employed as a president of the Academy for Social Sciences, involved in education. An author of several articles and congress publications; granted with several International Projects and mentored numerous diploma students. Teaching experience: Covers the field of social security- the policy and strategies in social welfare, available job market, and the necessity of psychotherapy in social welfare.
Focus of teaching/lecturing: social security
Psychologist, psychoanalyst, historian of science. Teaching and research interests in the fields of ethnopsychoanalysis and the history of the psychoanalytic movement and psychotherapy as well as inter- and transcultural counselling and psychotherapy practice. Since 1973 teaching and research activities at various universities (including Salzburg, Vienna, Klagenfurt), since 2006 head of the Institute for Transcultural and Historical Research at Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, 2012 co-founder of the association “Studio and Archive Paul Parin and Goldy Parin-Matthèy” at Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, which looks after the edition of the works and the estate of Paul and Goldy Parin-Matthèy.
Teaching focus: ethnopsychoanalysis, history of the psychoanalytic movement and psychotherapy, and inter- and transcultural counselling and psychotherapy practice.
Studied psychotherapy science at SFU Vienna, psychotherapist (individual psychology) in private practice, university assistant at the Institute for Qualitative Research at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science at SFU Vienna.
Further training: “Adult Attachment Training-Institute” in Vienna with Prof. Melitta Fischer-Kern and Mag. Anna Tmej (Med-Uni Vienna), sex therapy according to Sexocorporel at the Institute for Sex Education and Sex Therapies; Vienna, ODP-2 diagnostics incl. certification (Med-Uni Vienna), mentalising in psychotherapy; Hamburg (BRD), certified mediator for family and generation mediation at Komarek Konfilktmediation; Vienna
Teaching focus: Scientific work, teaching in the elective subject Invidivual Psychology together with Bernd Rieken, Brigitte Sindelar, Dorothea Oberegelsbacher, Thomas Stephenson; psychotherapeutic diagnostics, disorders of sexuality, attachment theory
2004: Completion of studies to become a qualified teacher
From 2007-2012: worked as a qualified teacher in primary school
From 2005-2008 Mag. Richter led children’s groups and worked as a dyslexia therapist as well as in adult education
2012: Completion of studies in psychotherapy science
Since 2012 person-centred psychotherapist with a focus on infant, child and adolescent psychotherapy, working in independent practice
2015-2016 Cooperation with the WGKK – group therapies “Enorm in Form”.
Since 2015: Teaching at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science, supervisor and head of the outpatient clinic for children and adolescents at SFU.
Teaching focus: Psychosocial forms of intervention I and II, management of initial interviews in the outpatient clinic for children and adolescents, supervisor, infant, child and adolescent therapy
Prof. Bernd Rieken was born in 1955 in East Friesland, studied German philology, history, political science, philosophy, teaching philosophy/psychology and European ethnology (folklore) at the Universities of Mannheim and Vienna. 1984-1998 AHS teacher at the music grammar school and educator at the Bundeskonvikt Vienna, 1989-1996 psychotherapy training, 2005 habilitation in European ethnology at the University of Vienna, since then private lecturer ibid. Since 2007 professor of psychotherapy science and head of the elective/specialised course in individual psychology at the SFU Vienna, freelance psychotherapist and teaching analyst in Baden near Vienna.
Teaching focus: disaster research, history of culture and mentality, interpretation, individual psychology, group self-awareness.
Dr Juan José Rios is a registered hypnotherapist, psychoanalyst and teaching analyst in the Ministry of Health. After studying theology and education in Peru, he dedicated himself professionally to psychotherapy. His first training in this field was at ÖGATAP in hypnosis. He gained a lot of experience in psychosomatic medicine, in the field of chronic pain, as well as in oncology at the SMZ DOS (Donau Spital Wien). He also completed further training in sexuology and trauma therapy. He then completed his studies in psychotherapy science at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna. He has been running his own psychotherapy practice since 2001.
Studied psychotherapy science at Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna. From 2009 to 2012 staff member at Med Uni Vienna/AKH Vienna (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy). Since 2013 registered psychotherapist, specialising in Integrative Gestalt Therapy. Since 2014 head of Sintem (Intercultural Psychotherapy of Refugees) at Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna.
Teaching focus: since 2011 has been on literature, history and methodology of Integrative Gestalt Therapy.
Katharina Sabernig is an independent researcher associated with the Medical University in Vienna and the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. She teaches various areas of Tibetan medicine, medical terminology and aspects of intercultural health issues at several academic institutions in Vienna. She has led FWF-funded projects on medical murals in Labrang Monastery and the anatomical findings of the Tibetan physician Blo-bzang-chos-grags (1638-1712), who was also personal physician to the Fifth Dalai Lama.
Teaching focus: Tibetan medicine, medical terminology, history of anatomy.
Viola Sallay is the Academic Head of the Psychotherapy Science Department at Sigmund Freud Private University Paris.
Honorary president and director of the Belgian Association of Psychotherapy ABP-BVP, professor in the S.Freud University of Paris since 2009. Vice-president of the European Confederacy for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies (ECPP) and Chairman of the Certification and Accreditation Committee since 2008. Belgian national delegate with the European Association for Psychotherapy ( EAP); permanent member of theTraining Accreditation Committee ( EAP). Expert for the European Association of Psychotherapy, holder of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy.
Focus of teaching/lecturing: Psychotherapy (S. Freud)
Univ. Ass. Birgitta Schiller studied psychotherapy at the Sigmund Freud Private University, specialising in individual psychology. She has been a registered psychotherapist and has her own practice since 2019. Research associate at the Institute for Qualitative Psychotherapy Research and the Institute for Psychosomatics at Sigmund Freud University.
Teaching focus: Qualitative psychotherapy research, psychosomatics and corporeality in psychotherapy, organisational research, training research.
is a systemic individual, couple and family therapist, psychologist.
Previous activities: Residential care for people with intellectual disabilities and mental impairments, social pedagogical family support – outreach family therapy, child therapist at the
Family Centre Wr. Neustadt. Since 2007 staff member at the Institute for Couple and Family Therapy, Vienna; teaching therapist at the ÖAS, since 2015 staff member at the teaching department for family therapy at the ÖAS Vienna.
Teaching focus: Systemic psychotherapy Personality development II
After studying psychology at the Leopold Franzen University of Innsbruck, I completed my training as a psychoanalyst at the Psychoanalytic Seminar Innsbruck. Since 1993 I have been working as a self-employed psychoanalyst and have also worked in various psychosocial counselling and therapy institutions with different focal points. Since 2004 I have been the head of the Psychological Counselling Centre for Students Innsbruck. I see and appreciate the different treatment developments in modern psychoanalysis.
Teaching focus: Psychoanalytic brief and focal therapy, psychoanalytic treatment technique, psychodynamic organisational counselling.
is involved in research projects with patients with borderline personality disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She works in the field of training and further education as a teaching therapist specialising in personality disorders and is a co-founder and board member of the Austrian Association for Dialectical Behavioural Therapy and Skills Training (ÖDBT). She was responsible for the development and introduction of the curriculum for the training and further education of skills trainers, which she still leads. Her lecturing and publishing activities include skills training, borderline and PTSD, as well as mental disorders and illnesses.
Teaching focus: Disease theory, personality disorders, treatment methods
is a psychotherapist (individual psychology) in private practice in Vienna and Lower Austria. After studying law at the University of Vienna for a few semesters, he completed his studies in psychotherapy science at the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna. Since 2012 he has been teaching in the university course Coaching and Psychoeducation with Children, Adolescents and Parents and since 2016 he has been a lecturer at Sigmund Freud Private University Linz and in the university course Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy at Sigmund Freud Private University. Since 2015, he has been co-directing the Sindelar Center in Vienna with Prof. Dr. Brigitte Sindelar.
Teaching focus: individual psychology, child and adolescent psychotherapy
Born on 26 February 1941, studied medicine from 1959 to 1966, followed by training at the Pharmacological Institute and the University Neurological Clinic in Vienna. Specialist in neurology and psychiatry since 1974. 1980 habilitation on the subject of gender identity. 1985 awarded the title of ao professor. Training in classical psychoanalysis 1971-1978. Member of the UPU and the IPA since 1980. Until 2010 director of the non-university interdisciplinary Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Addiction Research. 1976 -2010 co-editor with Rudolf Mader of the Vienna Journal of Addiction Research. Numerous publications in the fields of psychiatry, addiction research, sexology and film.
Teaching focus: psychopharmacology; psychiatric science; history of psychiatry; psychiatry and artistic expression; disorders of sexuality. Anthropological and cultural approaches, discourse analysis.
Historian, literary scholar, essayist. Most recently published: Combating the Hydra: Violence and Resistance in the Habsburg Empire, 1500-1900 (Purdue University Press 2023) and ‘Das Reich Gottes hier in Wien’: Evangelisches Leben in der Reichshauptstadt während der Regierungsjahre Kaiser Karls VI. (Böhlau 2021). Studies on the history of violence, including Rückkehr unerwünscht: Deportationen in der Habsburgermonarchie der Frühen Neuzeit und ihr historischer Kontext (Böhlau 2014); Reisen ohne Wiederkehr: Die Deportation von Protestanten aus Kärnten 1734-1736 (Oldenbourg 2007). Filmography on Austrian concentration camp survivors. Editor of the political writings of Jean Améry. Designer of thematic booklets on the genocide in Rwanda and on ‘gypsies’ in the early modern period. Coordinator of the Vienna presentation of the exhibition War of Extermination: Crimes of the Wehrmacht. Co-editor of Early Modern Info. Radiophonic work for the ORF. Lectures, e.g. Trinity Hall / Cambridge; EHESS and Collège de France, Paris as well as at numerous other universities and research institutions in Europe and North America.
Psychoanalytic pedagogue and special and therapeutic pedagogue, university assistant at the Department of Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud University Linz, doctoral candidate at the Institute of Educational Science and Educational Research at the AAU Klagenfurt. Main research interests: Psychodynamic aspects of social phenomena, psychotherapy and pedagogy, global citizenship, identity and home.
Work areas: Study programme coordinator bachelor’s degree SFU PTW LINZ, Research Coordinator SFU PTW LINZ
Individual-psychological psychotherapist, habilitated pedagogue and educational scientist, clinical psychologist. University lecturer in psychoanalytic pedagogy and special and remedial education at the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Vienna, university professor of psychotherapy science at SFU Vienna. Head of the Department of Psychotherapy Science at SFU Linz, teaching analyst and leading member of the Individual Psychology Specialisation at SFU Vienna and Linz.
Teaching focus: education, development and process research, participatory university didactics, relational psychotherapy and pedagogy, psychoanalytic pedagogy, trauma pedagogy, interdisciplinarity in the overlapping area of psychotherapy, pedagogy and psychology.
Specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine (behavioural therapy). Training at Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital in Vienna, where he last worked as a senior consultant. Since July 2019, specialist at the Psychosocial Services (PSD) in Vienna. Teaching and lecturing activities in the health sector.
Teaching focus: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, therapy of mental disorders.
Psychotherapist, psychotherapy scientist, meditation teacher (Satipaṭṭhāna, Ānāpānasati and its secular mindfulness-based forms MBSR and MBCT). Since 2010 lecturer in the English Program of SFU (Person-centered Psychotherapy). Head of the SFU course “Mindfulness in Medical, Psychosocial and Educational Professions”.
Career: Since 1983 Buddhist meditation practice in the tradition of Ajahn Buddhadasa (Wat Suan Mokkh/Thailand). 1991-97 Studies in Education and Religious Studies at the University of Vienna. 2010-17 Studies in Psychotherapy Science at the SFU Vienna. Doctorate on “Approaches to a theory of meditation in the person-centred approach”.
Teaching focus: person-centred psychotherapy, mindfulness, meditation.
Ina Tilmann, Psychologist M.Sc., Intermedial Art Therapy M.A.
“One only sees well with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry As a psychologist (M.Sc.) and art therapist (M.A.), I work as a school psychologist in Bremen. I am interested in the connection between art, creativity and therapy. So during my studies of psychology at the University of Bremen, I did parallel music, projects and workshops with different groups and people. Intermedial art therapy gives me the opportunity to combine my passions and to live and teach mindfulness. This quote is my guiding principle in my work for many years and from me personally.
Focus of teaching: scientific work, support in finding mast
Vice Dean International Affairs, Director of the Institute for Transgenerational Trauma Transfer Research, and Lecturer in research methods and university didactics in the International Programme at Sigmund Freud University Vienna. Tóth studied psychology and cultural anthropology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, sociology and socio-cultural anthropology at the Central European University and holds a PhD in psychotherapy science from SFU. She is an expert in the interdisciplinary application of qualitative research methods with a focus on migration, trauma, identity and gender. Within the framework of international research projects, she is active in the field of cultural and minority research: She researches the memory of the Jewish and Hungarian minorities in Central Europe, the identity changes of Japanese lifestyle migrants.
Focus of teaching: Qualitative research methods, university didactics, scientific research projects, culture and psychotherapy
Prof. Dr. Alfred Uhl is vice head of the English doctoral programme at the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud Private University (SFU) and vice head of the Addiction Competence Centre of the Austrian Public Health Institute (GÖG). After studying psychology at the University of Vienna, Prof. Uhl worked scientifically at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Addiction Research (LBISucht), was head of the Alcohol Coordination and Information Centre (AKIS) and coordinator of the Addiction Research and Documentation Department (SucFoDok) of the Anton Proksch Institute (API). In addition, he taught statistics, mathematics and research methodology at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration from 1990-2013, addiction prevention and evaluation in several university courses since 1998 and research methodology at SFU (since 2012). His scientific expertise focuses on epidemiology, prevention, addiction policy, evaluation, and a critical exploration of methodology in the context of empirical research projects.
Human-Friedrich Unterrainer was appointed Professor of Process and Outcome Research at SFU PTW Vienna in February 2023 and is responsible for leading the English-language doctoral programme here. He also directs the Center for Integrative Addiction Research (CIAR), in the “Grüner Kreis” society. He is a clinical/health psychologist and psychotherapist (IG, TFP). In 2012 he habilitated for the whole field of Psychology (KFU Graz), in 2016 in Theoretical/Experimental Psychiatry (Med Uni Graz) and in 2021 in Psychology of Religion (Uni Vienna). He has worked as addiction therapist for many years and has been active in university teaching since 2005, where he has led numerous research projects.
Teaching focus: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Neuroscience, Psychopathology, Quantitative Research Methods, Clinical Trials
Achim Votsmeier-Röhr practices depth psychology-based psychotherapy and behavioural therapy and is, among other things, a Gestalt therapist (DVG) and schema therapist (ISST). He has worked for over 30 years at the Psychosomatic Clinic Bad Grönenbach – later HELIOS Clinic Bad Grönenbach, Acute and Rehabilitation Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine, most recently for 13 years as Head Psychologist of the Department for Structural Rehabilitation of People with Borderline and Other Structural Disorders. He has been working in independent practice in Ulm since 2015. He is a lecturer at the South German Academy for Psychotherapy and at various Gestalt therapy training institutes in Germany and at SFU.
Teaching focus: Dialogical Gestalt therapy; treatment of structural disorders
Art therapist in private practice since 2019, training as school mediator (WinWin Association), art therapy internship at SMZ-Ost / neuropsychiatric ward, master’s degree in art therapy at SFU Vienna (until 2019), teacher at BG9 for developmental and social psychology as well as visual education and textile design, student counsellor, Interdisciplinary artistic projects in areas of youth and adult education, studies of UF psychology and philosophy (University of Vienna), as well as art education with Erwin Wurm and Barbara Putz-Plecko (University of Applied Arts), many years of consulting work in the areas of fashion, styling and equipment for film, TV, advertising productions and print media, diploma in fashion and design at the Hetzendorf Fashion School.
Teaching focus: Creativity research and creativity promotion, mental illness in adolescence, prevention and intervention through art education and therapeutic approaches
Carlos Watzka (born 1975): Studied sociology and history at the University of Graz. Doctorate in social and economic sciences in 2004; habilitation in sociology in 2008. Subsequently active as head of research projects on health sociology and historical-social science topics, as lecturer, lecturer or substitute professor at universities in Germany and Austria. Since 2020 Associate Professor, Deputy Department Head at the Department of Psychotherapy Science at Sigmund Freud University in Linz.
Teaching focus: research methods; statistics, scientific working techniques; health sociology; health care research; history of mentalities; suicidology.
Born 1958, specialist in psychiatry, psychotherapeutic medicine and neurology, psychotherapist (integrative Gestalt therapy), supervisor and personality coach. Further training in systemic therapy, body therapy methods, transpersonal psychotherapy and holotropic breathing (ÖATP), brainspotting (David Grand). Head of training, teaching therapist, teaching supervisor and trainer at the Institute for Integrative Gestalt Therapy Vienna and Würzburg (Germany), teaching Gestalt therapy in China, lecturer at Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna (Integrative Gestalt Therapy, Institute Psyche and Economy). Private practice for individuals and groups in 1090 Vienna. Workshops, seminars and lectures.
Teaching focus: psychotherapy, integrative Gestalt therapy, body psychotherapy, trauma therapy, structural disorders, group processes.
Dr. Dagmar Weidinger is a university lecturer, curator and freelance journalist. After studying art history and theatre studies in Vienna, London and Tours, she completed the propaedeutic course at the ÖAGG. Subsequently, between 2006 and 2008, she wrote an interdisciplinary dissertation on the creative expression of people with borderline personality disorder. Since 2008 she has been teaching as a lecturer at the Department of Art History at the University of Vienna and since autumn 2014 in the Department of Psychotherapy Sciences at the English Language Department of Sigmund Freud University Vienna.
Teaching focus: Compulsive Hoarding, Psychiatry History, Borderline Personality Disorder, Outsider Art/Art Brut, Art Therapy.
Works as a psychological psychotherapist and has her own psychological practice in Berlin. After completing her studies in psychology at the Technical University of Berlin, she has been working in university research projects and clinical institutions since 1978. Additional training in conversational psychotherapy and art therapy and as a supervisor for trauma therapists. She is co-founder of the German Association for Art and Design Therapy, built up the art therapy department at the Berlin Treatment Centre for Victims of Torture and was rector of the Nürtingen School of Art Therapy from 2008-2011. As co-editor of the journal ‘KUNST & THERAPIE’ she is responsible for the conception and publication of the issues.
Teaching focus: Conversation in art therapy, psychotraumatology, art therapy methodology as well as intercultural art therapy, supervision accompanying training.
Eva Wimmer has been working at the Institute for Qualitative Psychotherapy Research and the Institute for Psychosomatics at SFU since autumn 2016. Her research and teaching focus is on the body and psychotherapy, outpatient research and the further development of qualitative methods and methodology in psychotherapy research. Due to her professional background in sociology and gender studies, the connection between psychotherapy and social science forms the basis of her research.
Teaching focus: Qualitative methods in psychotherapy research
Psychotherapist, specialising in individual psychology. After graduating from Sigmund Freud University and completing her diploma in theatre, film and media studies at the University of Vienna, she has been working in independent practice. Since 2014, she has been part of the teaching staff at Sigmund Freud University in Vienna. Her research area is concerned with the transitions between cultural studies and psychotherapy science. Since 2023, she has headed the Psychotherapeutic University Outpatient Clinic for Adults at SFU.
Teaching focus: cultural history, historical development of individual psychology, self-awareness. Gabriele Worda is a lecturer with seminars, workshops and supervision at SFU and PSI Innsbruck. She also supervises candidates at Colloquium 1 and 2.
1965-71 Study of medicine. After clinical training she worked in private practice as a general practitioner.
1994-98 Training as a medical psychotherapist and psychoanalyst at PSI Innsbruck. Special interest: Psychoanalysis and music! Work in independent practice as a psychoanalyst and supervisor.
Since 2011 teaching analyst with full teaching authorisation and teaching at SFU and PSI.
Teaching focus: Psychoanalyst and teaching analyst at PSI and SFU Vienna.
Seminars for psychosomatics, case presentation, psychoanalytic initial interviews
Dr. Roland Wölfle, born in 1958, is a specialist in psychiatry and neurology as well as an individual psychological analyst and group psychotherapist. He has worked in inpatient addiction therapy for over 20 years, which has included managing a drug ward. Since 2014, he has been working in the public health sector in the Principality of Liechtenstein. He is accredited as a Balint group leader as well as a depth psychological supervisor and organisational consultant. In 2015, the book “Wo Ich war, soll Gemeinschaft werden” was published by Waxmann-Verlag. It deals primarily with group psychotherapy and therapeutic communities.
Teaching focus: individual psychology, group psychotherapy, self-awareness and personality development.
Specialist in neurology and psychiatry, general practitioner, psychotherapist and clinical and health psychologist. Habilitation in neurology. Senior physician at the University Clinic for Neurology (MUW) Vienna (1986 to 2011); Head of the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG, neurography, evoked potentials, sleep studies) and the clinical foci: Muscle diseases, myasthenia, epilepsy, sleep disorders and neurophysiological as well as psychological examinations. Teaching at the MUW (Department of Neurology), Institute of Psychology Salzburg and Sigmund Freud Private University (SFU) Vienna (psychotherapy) ; retired in October 2011 (MUW- Neurology).
Field of work:
Quantitative methods of outcome research
Deputy Head of the Doctoral Programme in Psychotherapy Science
Godela von Kirchbach is a high school teacher, psychotherapist (existential analysis) and couples therapist (systemic). At SFU she lectures on psychotraumatology and has been leading a project on mobile psychotherapeutic care for asylum seekers in Lower Austria since 2014. She was born in Göttingen and studied history and English in Bonn and Heidelberg. Her life stations include Germany, Pakistan, the USA, Thailand, France, Switzerland and Austria. She has been working psychotherapeutically since 1998, first in France and Switzerland, since 2007 in Vienna. She has worked at the SFU outpatient clinic since 2009 and completed her doctorate on couples therapy in 2013.
Teaching focus: psychotraumatology
Born: 10.04.1969
Education and training: BSc of Psychology (1996), Bachelor of Economics (1991), State qualifying examinations in the fields of education (2000) and social care (1997), Pedagogical and Andragogical Education (1999), Transactional Analysis training – Psychotherapy field (1993-2009) (prepairing for int. certification), EFT for couples (2012-16), EMDR (2008-10), Brainspotting (2016), Yoga and Mindfulness teacher
Employment: Working in private psychotherapy practise (2009-), in the fields of education and social care (1996-2009)
Work experience: counselling and psychotherapy with adolescents, adults, couples, groups; teaching adolescent & adults
Faculty of Arts, Psychology; Medical Faculty LJ, general medicine; neuropsychiatry. 1987 head of Department of Forensic and Social Psychiatry, Psychiatric Clinic LJ; 1987-1989 study of forensic psychiatry, Medical Faculty ZG; 1988- 1991 Transactional Analysis training; 1988- leadership of Balint groups; 1989- legal expert in Psychiatry; 1992 Psychotherapist title, Slovene Medical Society; 1992-1997 course in Group Analysis, Institute of Group Analysis, London; 1998- cofounder, vice president of the Slovenian Society for Group Analysis; Cofounder, vice president of the Slovenian Association of Forensic Experts in Psychiatry; 2002- independant practise; 2014/15- Psychiatry course at SFU LJ
Focus of teaching/lecturing: Pedagogical work – lectures, seminars and exams for SFU students (Psychiatry classification, diagnostic and therapy)
Psychologist, master of science in clinical psychology (Faculty of Arts, University in Ljubljana). Certified integrative psychotherapist, teacher and supervisor (European Association for integrative psychotherapy EAIP; International integrative psychotherapy association IIPA), certified psychotherapist (European certificate in psychotherapy). Co-founder of the Institute for integrative psychotherapy and counselling, Ljubljana, where she is also employed.
Focus of teaching/lecturing: History and development of psychotherapy schools, Integrative psychotherapy, Supervision