The Institute for Transcultural and Historical Research deals with:

  • inter- and transcultural as well as postcolonial issues
    Focal points: ethnopsychoanalysis, migration, globalisation
  • the history of mentalities, cultural studies and philosophical foundations of psychotherapy science
    Focal points: Annales School, radical enlightenment, prejudice studies
  • the history of psychotherapy
    Focal points: expulsion of Jewish psychoanalysts from Vienna and Berlin 1933 – 1938; post-war history of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in Austria (working title of the planned research project: “Psychoanalysis as Memory Work”).

Furthermore, the Institute is working on the scientific evaluation of the estate of the co-founder of ethnopsychoanalysis Paul Parin (died in 2009), in close cooperation with the “Studio and Archive Paul Parin and Goldy Parin-Matthèy”, which is also located at Sigmund Freud Private University.

Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Steiner, e-mail

Field Trips

Field trips for Psychotherapy Science students
Since 2013, excursions have been organised for SFU students. The enrichment that getting in touch with people of another culture can represent was formulated as follows by the pioneers of German-speaking ethnopsychoanalysis, Paul Parin, Goldy Parin-Matthèy and Fritz Morgenthaler:

 “As psychoanalysts we have become freer and bolder because of living experience with Africans, better able to respond to the social relations of our analysands in Europe, and less inclined to regard behaviour that deviates from our own as pathological. This has also had an effect on our theoretical views.” Parin/Morgenthaler/Parin-Matthèy 1993c, p.18, cf.





Dr.scient.pth. Sarah BIRGANI

Kurz-CV Sarah Birgani.pdf
Publications – Sarah Birgani.pdf


Mag. Dr. Christine KORISCHEK

Kurz-CV Christine Korischek.pdf
Publikationsliste – Christine Korischek.pdf


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard KUBIK
CV Gerhard Kubik – EN.pdf



CV & Publications – Moya Malamusi.pdf



